Alden Gallery presents Jim Broussard—Friday, July 31-August 13, 2020

Provincetown, MA: The Alden Gallery will present a solo show of new work by Jim Broussard, opening on Friday, July 31, 2020, at 423 Commercial St. As a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there will be no opening reception. The show will be on view through August 13.

Jim Broussard is a Provincetown painter who works primarily in oil and en plein air, painting street scenes and dunescapes. He studied at MassArt, and having spent summers in Provincetown since his youth, Broussard moved here year-round 20 years ago. His enduring subject is the town itself, which he has portrayed from every angle and during every season in his unique style, which is rooted in Provincetown art colony traditions. He also frequently escapes into the Cape Cod National Seashore, where he’ll spend time alone in the dune shacks. Broussard was formerly represented by Shirl Roccapriore’s Oils by the Sea, and since its closing at the end of last year, has joined the Alden as a gallery artist. This solo show is meant as his introduction to the gallery’s friends and followers.

Franklin and Commercial Streets, by Portuguese Festival, by Jim Broussard, oil on linen, 24 x 22 inches

The Alden Gallery is open daily, noon-5 p.m., through Labor Day, after which it will be open weekends through New Year’s Day, 2021. It is free and open to the public. During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, masks must be worn within the gallery and only one party of up to two people will be admitted at one time. Appointments will be given priority. During gallery hours, call 508-487-4230; off-hours, call 646-483-8164.

Press contact: or 646-483-8164.

Franklin and Commercial Streets, by Jim Broussard, oil on canvas panel, 20 x 16 inches

The remainder of the 2020 season schedule for the Alden Gallery:

August 14 through August 27: Joerg Dressler and Alice Denison

August 28 through September 10: Robert Morgan and Kevin Cyr

September 11 through September 24: Jane Paradise and Cathleen Daley